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Grow through what you go through........Inspirational Quotes

Welcome to Fabulous 50 And Beyond. I have so much I want to share with you. I am passionate about surviving 50 plus and hearing how other people have moved through this important stage in their life experience. I am not an expert on anything really just a woman who has hit Middle-Age, the Menopause and the Empty Nest Syndrome all at once. A shock to my system! I started to look for ways to cope with the Physical and Emotional challenges I found myself facing. I know I am not alone in this search for skills and advice on how to move through this challenging stage in my life. Through my website I would like to cover the topics that concerned me......I want to share what I found in my research and reading. I want to share the things I tried and the things I should try. 

Love this .......

"You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You're not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide and never look back."  from


I love inspirational quotes. They assure me that no matter what I am feeling someone else has felt that too. There is comfort and hope in that.

Grey Beach Shores
Vintage Typewriter
Urban View From Above
Window with Plant
Urban Runner
Coffee and Magazines
Vintage Typewriter


The Story

I never thought or worried much about age....."just a number"..."as young as you feel" and all that. And then came 50! Suddenly I found myself evaluating my life.....what have I achieved?..... where have I been?....where am I going?.....what do I need now?.....who do I want with me?
I have been a daughter, a sister, a friend, a confidante, a teacher, a wife, a lover, a mother, a business woman, a carer. Still am a lot of those things but am I me?
A time for change has come...a time of new discovery. A time to try new things....step out of the comfort zone. Start living and experiencing all the things I put aside to raise a family.....Time to find myself again! 
I want to start looking after myself. Try new hobbies. Go back to the interests I had when I had time and explore them again. Read more. Listen more. Appreciate more.
A time of self discovery and new discovery now.

Love This.....

You can find me somewhere in between inspiring others, working on myself, dodging negativity and slaying my goals.


Fern Plant
Design Book

Quote Of The Day

I'm starting over

- A new pattern of thoughts

- A new wave of emotions

- A new connection to the world

- A new belief system in


Pink Sand


Pink Sand
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I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.

Angela Davis

                 The Menopause

The Menopause is a natural part of the ageing process for all women. The Menopause usually lasts about seven years but can go on longer for some. There are three stages in all....Perimenopause begins several years before a woman's last period. During this time the ovaries start to make less Oestrogen. Menopause doesn't happen until one year after the final menstrual period....this is when the ovaries stop producing Oestrogen. After Menopause women enter Post-Menopause where their risk of certain diseases increases.

As women this is something we share across all cultures and diversities. An inevitable consequence of our ageing process.The hormonal changes affect both our Physical and Emotional wellbeing.

Throughout this site I will include suggested solutions and management tips that I have found and sourced. From practical advice on managing symptoms to skin care for ageing skin, from how to dress in middle age to how to look after your body and health now.

The Menopause brings us to a stage in our lives when changes are forced upon us. It's both a physically and emotionally challenging time and understanding this and embracing this will make it easier to cope and manage the inevitable changes. 

"She will not worry, she will be fine. She will brave this new season one day at a time."

Morgan Harper

Let's take a brief look at the challenges and changes that we now have to deal with and manage as we age.

Physical changes

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Emotional changes



Much has been written about the menopause and its effects. Mayo Clinic defines the menopause as the end of your menstrual cycles. This can happen in your 40's or 50's but the average age is 51. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can disrupt your sleep, lower your energy levels and effect your emotional wellbeing. There are very effective treatments available and these range from Lifestyle Adjustments to Hormone Therapy. I would like to concentrate on the solutions rather than the problems.
Women can experience......

  • Irregular Periods

  • Vaginal Dryness

  • Hot Flashes

  • Night Sweats

  • Chills

  • Sleep Problems

  • Weight Gain and Slower metabolism

  • Thinning Hair and Dry Skin

  • Loss of Breast Fullness

Pink Blossom

I am attaching this useful information I found on a website called The site does sell vitamin supplements but does also have helpful advice and information. I do not receive anything from any site that I recommend. I include links to things that I find that may be relevant and helpful for women managing this stage of life.


Consulting a doctor to discuss the symptoms and management of the menopause is always advisable. The suggestions that are made here are for women who want to make small changes for themselves.


When I looked at the impact of the Menopause I was taken aback by the complexity of it all. Being both a physically and emotionally challenging time I wondered how I would navigate this change myself. I wanted to focus on the best way to move through this stage and still be vibrant and healthy and energised. 

On this site I want to include ideas on exercise, diet, skin care and general wellbeing. I want to put forward ideas that are realistic for most people. I want to put emphasis on the changes that don't require major spending and focus on what is affordable and effective.

There are many simple changes we can make to improve the general quality of our lives. We all know what we should do, but of course doing it is another matter. It's good to be reminded every now and then, and even if we make one change at a time it's a step in the right direction.


If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't.......Kevin Ngo

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Menopause Facts

Considering the fact that 100% of women will go through the Menopause there is still not enough information, understanding and help available. It is a complex time both physically and emotionally. Many women are not prepared for the changes that they begin to experience. Many do not realise how these changes can affect their daily lives.
The Menopause needs to be demystified. There needs to be open discussion so that women can prepare themselves and make informed decisions on what they need to manage the symptoms
But even more than that; there needs to be a policy and structure in place where women can continue to work and have support where needed. For example with the tiredness and brain fog a more flexible working week might help.

There should be understanding around the anxiety and mood swings women can experience. This is a phase in the life cycle and it will pass but it does need to be acknowledged and managed.
Dr. Louise Newson, GP and Menopause specialist, has a website with very informative articles on the various symptoms and stages of the menopause. I have attached a link here. 


Drink more Water
Beach at Sunset
Desert Landscape
Gradient Ocean

Drink More Water

Exercise More

Eat Sensibly

Read More

Try Something New

Volunteer Some Of Your Time

Me Time

Skin Care


Essential skincare for mature skin

I read an article once that said that women over 50 became invisible to men. A generalised statement no doubt but yet one that made middle-age hit home with a bang. With the possibility of another 30 to 40 years ahead of me perhaps, I realised that I needed to pay more attention to myself now. I had neglected myself while I reared a family and worked. I had neglected my physical and emotional wellbeing. I took for granted my youthful skin that required little effort to maintain. Middle-age however brought the changes I had not anticipated. My skin became drier, duller and the fine lines and wrinkles appeared.....typical of this stage of life. People say "grow old gracefully". Some take that as letting nature take it's course and embracing the ageing process. Nothing wrong with that. I however would prefer to fight that process and stay vital inside and out for as long as I possibly can. I would prefer to be the best version of me that I can be. That, to me, is growing old gracefully.

"When you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better and you start to attract better. It all starts with you"


From my reading I felt that a good start to repairing and protecting my skin would be a serum. There are many on the market...these versions are the ones I tried and can recommend from first hand experience.

Cacay Oil

Cacay Oil is made from the seeds of the Cacay plant which grows in the Amazon Rainforest. A natural source of vitamin A and loaded with Linoleic Acid and Vitamin E it can dramatically improve the texture of the skin by smoothing the fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, brows and cheeks. Can also fade scars and stretch marks when used regularly. To top it all it can be added to shampoo or conditioner to nourish the scalp and boost body and shine. I have been using this oil for the past year and I am definitely a fan. My skin is clear and bright and smooth. Would highly recommend. Just a little drop goes a long way so worth the extra it may cost.

Vitamin C

Pink Roses

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil is sourced from the hip (fruit) of the rose plant. It has many of the same qualities and properties as Cacay Oil. Try to find the pure Rosehip Oil to really get the benefit of this amazing skin care treatment. As with anything it may not provide the same results for everyone but it is definitely worth a try. It is a very reasonably priced product for its versatility and effectiveness on the whole. Health food stores should have this and I have even bought it in TK Maxx for a really good price.

Vitamin C is proving to be a very essential addition to the care

of mature skin.

It is included in many skin care products...serums...moisturisers etc.

The benefits of vitamin C include boosting collagen production to give a  plumper

and more youthful appearance to skin thus giving it  firmness and strength. 

It is an antioxidant that can slow the rate of free radical damage which causes skin

dryness and fine lines.

It can help shield the skin from sun damage while also fading skin

discolouration. I found this article on Vitamin C from the Linus Pauling

Institute (Oregon State University)

Hyaluronic  Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a substance that is naturally produced by your body. It is found in your skin, connective tissue and eyes. It's main function is to retain water to keep your tissues moist and lubricated. Hyaluronic acid has many benefits making it a staple for a good skincare regime.

It's main benefits include keeping skin hydrated, moisturised, increases elasticity, is anti wrinkle, can reduce facial redness and has been found to help speed wound healing. According to the ingredients to look for when choosing a product are Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic acid, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate and Sodium Hyaluronate.

I found a noticeable change in the texture and clarity of my skin when I started using this.

I have done a lot of reading on skin care for mature skin. As we get older and go through the menopause our skin becomes duller, thinner, loses elasticity, sags and fine lines appear. There is so much written and so many recommendations that it can be quite confusing trying to pick the right product as each one claims to do the same thing. There is a plethora of choices in cleansers, moisturisers, serums etc.

From my reading, my understanding is that there are a few simple rules to follow that will ensure a good skincare regime without investing a fortune.


For a start exfoliation is very important. This gets rid of the dead skin cells and brightens the skin. In doing this your skin will be able to absorb and benefit better from the products you choose to use on your skin. You can actually make your own exfoliators from common household ingredients thus making it a very economical product. I found some on                          Exfoliation should be done about twice a week.

For cleansing it is recommended that a gentle cleanser be used so as not to dry out the skin and strip it of essential oils. There are many cream cleansers on the market. Ideally it is advisable to try to use a cleanser that contains antioxidants and retinoids as these will benefit and improve mature skin. A good cleanser prepares the skin for the moisturisers and serums you choose and allows proper absorbtion for best results. I found a website called where several cleansers were reviewed for their properties and suitability to skin type. Plenty to choose from here.


Serums are a very effective way to treat mature skin as they target a whole range of issues from dryness to fine lines to dark spots and are absorbed deep in the skin for better results than a moisturiser on its own. Serums need to be applied before moisturising and on cleansed skin. When I looked at the options I was overwhelmed by the quantity and price of what was available. As I want this to be a realistic option for most women I will concentrate on the more common, easily available and realistically priced products. I found a site called that has a list that I thought was comprehensive and well presented.

You can of course look at other options and from what I can see you can, if you so wish, spend from as little 10 euro to 300 euro or more on a serum.

Now for moisturising......this is another minefield of choices. Mature skin highlights many issues from dryness, dullness and discolouration to loss of elasticity and fine lines. So while our choices need to be guided by our individual needs the basics we should be looking at are creams that have retinoids, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A ,E and C and an SPF. We are looking for something that lifts and brightens and reduces the fine lines. Those with an SPF protect the skin from environmental damage also so if your moisturiser choice does not have this then it is worth applying separately. I think that our generation are paying the price for not being aware of the damage of the sun and the value of a good SPF cream. Nowadays people are far more aware of sun damage to the skin and the necessary prevention. I looked through the many recommendations for moisturisers and I found one on that had a range of choices from the common readily available and reasonably priced to the more expensive ones. Something effective for all budgets.

Homemade Skin Care
Beauty Products
Time Warp Facial

Skincare Tips

Makeup Tips for Mature Skin

  • Skin should be exfoliated and well moisturised.Use a primer or a BB cream to cover fine lines and hydrate the skin.

  • Use a light cream foundation. Less is more....thick foundations and powders tend to cake in the fine lines and make them appear more obvious. A CC cream and a good concealer works well here.

  • For blushers and contouring opt for lighter more subtle tones of rose or apricot.

  • For the eyes soft neutral tones are best and avoid the harsh lines of a black eye liner and mascara by opting for a brown or grey one instead.

  • For the lips use a natural shade lip liner and a moisturising lipstick. Avoid dark colours as these will make the lips seem smaller than they are.....nude tones are best to make lips look fuller.

  • If using a powder to set your foundation use a translucent one or an oil control setting spray.

Makeup & Tulips
Makeup Set
Makeup Tips
Ducks Over the Lake

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson


When women support each other, incredible things

Women in the Street
Women Holding Hands
A group of women at a business meeting
women discussion group
Womens Race Practice
Female Friends

Midlife Crises

The typical notion of a midlife crisis is men reaching middle age and struggling to hold on to their youth. But men don't have the monopoly on midlife crises. For women middle age can be a difficult time of change and evaluation. It can be an emotionally challenging time. The effects of the menopause bring physical and emotional difficulties. Menopause is a stage in a woman's life, and no matter what colour, creed or nationality, it affects women everywhere. It is a common experience in an otherwise hugely diverse world. It is important to remember this.


Sometimes the emotional challenges can be overwhelming. The mood swings, anxiety, difficulties concentrating, irritability and feelings of sadness can be hard to manage. The key to having a healthy attitude to this stage in life, in my opinion, is understanding and managing. It is important to understand the menopause and the effects it can have. We need to accept it as part of life. Educate ourselves so that this is not something to be feared but faced and managed. There is so much information out there but the conversations you have with your friends, who are going through the same stage, can really help in getting you through the days when you feel emotional and sad. As women we are naturally strong and supportive and sharing our experiences can be invaluable in helping others manage the difficulties the menopause brings. An interesting article here from the Cleveland Clinic.

One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide...........Brene Brown

It is important that we can talk openly about the menopause and be aware of what the possible challenges and changes will mean in our daily lives. Preparing ourselves, and our loved ones, for the days when we feel overwhelmed for no apparent reason is probably a good idea. Understanding can go a long way in helping to manage the physical and emotional changes this stage of life brings.

I found this very interesting article which I have attached. It is one woman's experience of early menopause which I think does go to prove that we need to be talking more openly about the menopause. All women should be educated and aware of what to expect.


It's not enough to build up muscle and achieve aerobic fitness. You need to think about flexibility too. According to David Nolan, a physical therapist at Harvard affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, stretching has to happen on a regular basis. It should be daily. According to Kim Pieper on you can start stretching and improving your flexibility anytime in life. You lose it because you don't use it. This is good to know because the benefits of stretching are manifold.


According to the American Council on Exercise stretching can


(1)Increase flexibility and joint range motion. Flexibility tends to decrease as you get older but you can regain and maintain it thus decreasing muscle stiffness and increasing your range of motion.

(2)Improve circulation. Increases blood supply to muscles and joints and improves blood circulation through the entire body.

(3)Improve posture. Stretching can help your muscles from getting tight and this helps with posture.

(4)Relieve stress. It relaxes the tense muscles that accompany stress.

(5)Enhance performance.  Maintaining the full range of motion through your joints keeps you in better balance and your muscles will work more efficiently. This will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury as you age.

(6)Help relieve post exercise aches and pains. Keeps muscles loose and lessens the tightening  that can lead to post workout aches and pains.

(7)Reduce muscular tension. Stretching allows muscles to relax

(8)Decrease the risk of lower back pain. Flexibility in the hamstrings, hip flexors and muscles attached to the pelvis relieves the stress on the lumbar region and in doing so reduces the risk of lower back pain.

(9)Prepare the body for the stress of exercise. It allows the muscles to loosen up and  be better able to withstand the impact of  whatever exercise you do. Also flexible muscles are less likely to become injured if you make sudden moves. Some stretching exercises in the link below and many more to be found online.

The Benefits of Stretching

How to Dress

How to Dress

  Time to make the most of yourself. Now is the moment you are living in. So embrace this moment ...this you....and make this your best version of you. From everything that I have read and personal experience, it is clear that dressing to suit your body shape is

the most important rule.


"The secret of great style is to feel good in what you wear" Ines de la Fressange


If you look good in what you wear you will definitely feel good about yourself. So dressing to flatter your body shape is the key to this. Understanding how to make the most of your shape is vital when picking clothes. As we age and particularly with the  Menopause our metabolism slows down. We can tend to gain weight which can be difficult to shift. This can be very disheartening. We may find ourselves losing interest in how we look and waiting instead till we lose that weight. What if we don't lose the weight......We will have missed out on making the most of ourselves.

Now is the moment.....


"Without saying a word, your clothes tell a story of who you are. Say something interesting"

So what is your body shape and how do you dress it.......I found this video on youtube that I feel gives clear concise descriptions and advice on what to wear. Check it out.

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Don't try to overhaul your life overnight. Instead focus on making one small change at a time. Over time, those small changes will add up to a big transformation. Don't give up.


Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you do anyway. from

Desert Plant


'Some day I'm going to write the story of my life'


     The words of a song but how many people have said that about themselves. I heard it said that there is a book in everyone. And I suppose when you think about it that way it is actually very true.

       I'm not sure that anyone is living the life they thought they would. Sometimes I stop and look around me and say "how did I get here".

It was not a conscious decision that this was how my life would be. It just happened bit by bit - step by step.

 How many people are like me and look back at choices, circumstances, opportunities taken and not -and say "what if?".

  What if I studied harder - took that job - stayed with that person - gave someone a chance - didn't stay with someone.....

So many choices we make that literally change everything for the future. 

My entire life can be summed up in one sentence...

"Well that didn't go as planned!"

(Darynda Jones)

 It is impossible to plan a life as so many things that happen create a chain reaction or ripple effect that always brings something unexpected. Something new to take on board and adapt to. It's amazing how much we actually endure in a lifetime.

Our experiences teach us and shape us. We have a strength within all of us that we never knew we had.

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing , we would literally astound ourselves."

(Thomas Edison)

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Need to contact me about something? Reach out, I’d be happy to hear from you. I would be happy to hear what you have experienced and how you have managed the emotional and physical challenges of middle-age and beyond.

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