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Your past is just a story and once you realise this it has no power over you. (

Sometimes we get caught up in the past. We may look back and feel sad that things have changed. The good old days...... But nothing stays the same. And just because things have changed in our lives does not mean that we can't make that a good thing.

Every minute spent worrying about 'the way things were' is a moment stolen from 'the way things can be'.

Robin Sharma.

By the time we are in our midlife cycle we have experienced many changes in our lives already. We may have had successful careers, raised a family, been through births, deaths, marriages. Experienced happiness and sadness, grief and loss. It can be hard to deal with and accept the changes sometimes. It may make you feel sad and isolated and lonely. Ageing and all that's associated with it can be a scary thought. But there is no stopping the clock...there is no rewind ... and you have to do your best to deal with and cope with the changes that now impact your life. It's important to remember that you are not alone in what you are feeling and experiencing, and that women all over can associate with this.

So what can we do? We can accept that change is inevitable. We can look on this phase in our life cycle as a new start. We can improve the quality of our lives by looking after ourselves now. We can try new things, new hobbies and if there is time why not volunteer and help others. Embrace the change and use the experience to enhance life.

Let's go invent tomorrow rather than worrying about what happened yesterday. Steve Jobs

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