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Drink more Water

We all know we should drink more water but actually doing it does require effort and planning especially if it's not part of our normal routine. For my own part I have to say I am useless at remembering to drink more.

Obviously drinking water is important in many ways. Hydration can help with energy levels, memory and brain function. Studies have shown that fluid loss in women can affect mood, concentration and the frequency and intensity of headaches. Drinking plenty of water can lessen the impact of these. It can also aid weight loss. Water has been proven to increase your metabolic rate and, when taken half an hour before eating, a glass of water can make you feel full so you will eat less calories.

I know I don't drink enough water in a day so I bought myself a 2 litre bottle which I fill up every morning and store in the fridge. I need to finish that in the day and I find that it is almost like challenging me a goal and motivating me to do better. To make it more interesting I add some berries or a slice of lime or lemon. And for a really refreshing alternative I add some cucumber or mint leaves. Plenty of options to keep the taste interesting!

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