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I was lucky in that I always worked from home. I was there for my children and the activities they chose. But when they left home (after college....yes they were at home that long) I felt an enormous loss. An emptiness. The house was too quiet. It was as if the fun and laughter had gone. Now that is not to say that I don't hear from them regularly....pretty much every day! And every sentence begins the same way ....Mom. Whether it's the train is late or it's raining or the sun is seems I need to know. I do love knowing!

At this stage I found that I now had a void I needed to fill. Friends are great but they have lives to lead as well. I was in my fifties and menopausal. I had not considered this stage in my life. How would I fill the void?

I could feel the weight creeping on slowly pound by pound. My solution to that was to take a brisk walk for 30 minutes every morning. And it really was a solution. That brisk walk, though I probably looked demonic pounding the pavement arms swinging, was enough to bring me back to a manageable weight. My energy levels and stamina increased. The benefits of that walk were and are more than physical....I have time to think....time to get rid of frustrations and annoyances....I feel refreshed and energised and ready for the day ahead. Bring it on! And the amazing thing is that after the initial shock to the system I actually enjoyed and looked forward to that 30 minutes every day. Still do!

Try something new......this I did. I started learning Bridge. A great workout for the brain cells. Really enjoy that. I took some night classes learning Spanish and am now working my way through the lessons on Babbel. I even took golf lessons.....definitely need more of those though before I am fit for the course!

Change does not have to be dramatic. The pace of change can be as slow or fast as you want it to be. It must fit in with your schedule and lifestyle. The idea of making changes is to improve the physical and emotional impact of midlife. The result should be positive and empowering. We have the ability to make our lives better, fuller and meaningful.

A little progress each day adds up to big results. (

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