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This is my book.

I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologise for the edits I make. Steve Maraboli

Are you like me..... Do you find yourself in situations that you just don't want to be in, but feel you have to endure them anyway. Do you find yourself spending time with people that you have nothing in common with or don't particularly like? Do you dread these interactions but don't know how to get out of them. Or perhaps it's FOMO....fear of missing out. Or maybe what will people think if you don't partake?

I had to stop and ask myself ...who am I living this life for? Is it to keep everyone else happy and at what cost to myself. I found that I spent a lot of time doing what I thought I should do more than what I actually wanted to do. Yes rearing a family and working brings events and interactions that you just can't miss, but now at this stage of my life I want to make the choices that are right for me.

I have now stopped worrying about what people think of me....who are these people? In truth they are just like me.....doing their best.

"The older I get the more I understand that it's ok to live a life others don't understand"

We are all individuals with our own unique needs, abilities, capabilities and limitations. It is ok to be yourself. To say what you want and what you feel. And by the same token accept that other people can do the same too. No judgement and let live.

I heard this Ted talk by Sarah Knight...The life-changing magic of not giving a F**K. I certainly identified with the essence of her talk which is why I am including it here. Be warned that there is 'bad language' in this video but if you can tolerate that the message is very enlightening. She has a fun way of explaining her theory that really does make sense. Maybe it is an age thing when we finally realise that we don't have to waste our precious time on things that don't interest us, and that consequently, we will have more time for the things that are important to us.

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