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Issues And Solutions.....Hot Flashes And Night Sweats

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Before and during the Menopause hot flashes and night sweats occur because of changing hormone levels (Oestrogen and Progesterone) affecting the body's temperature control. Some people experience only occasional hot flashes while others experience excessive sweating that can interfere with daily life.

So what can we do to manage these symptoms?

I have seen recommendations like avoiding alcohol, spicy food, smoking and caffeine as these may trigger the hot flashes. For my own part I found that the hot flashes came on for no apparent rhyme or the middle of conversations....literally any time. I could feel myself heat up and redden from the chest up. My daughter would say " you having a hot flash again Mum". It was that obvious and I used to feel embarrassed and self conscious. Then I noticed other women in the same situation and it became another thing to share and talk about.

Some practical things like dressing in layers so that you can easily remove one when a hot flash starts. Keeping the temperature cooler in the room at night. Maybe keep the window open a bit to keep the air circulating in the room. Try a cool shower before bed if night sweats are a big issue. These are all worth trying. I have also read that relaxing and reducing stress with deep breathing and meditation can also help relieve and reduce hot flashes.

If the hot flashes are severe and cause distress and discomfort then a doctor may prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy...HRT. This is a medication that contains oestrogen to regulate hormone levels in the body and can relieve many menopausal symptoms including the hot flashes and night sweats. This treatment is not suitable for all women however particularly women who have had breast cancer or blood clots. In some cases a doctor may prescribe anti depressant medication to reduce the hot flashes but they are not as effective as HRT.

For those who would prefer to try other alternatives I found an article on Women's Health Concern.

On a lighter note....

This too will pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

It is a stage in the ageing process that we have to go through but it does pass.

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