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Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.... Robin Sharma

As life is always changing, on a daily basis , weekly, monthly etc. so too are we moving through different phases in our lives. The one common phase that is universal to all women whether they have been married or not, had children or not is the Menopause. The changes that we experience during this phase of our lives can make us feel sad, isolated, anxious and worried. But it is important to remember that you are not alone in what you are feeling and experiencing.

Knowledge is power they say and I absolutely believe this. It is important to be aware - be aware of the changes the menopause will bring not only physically but emotionally too. So when there are those days that you are on the verge of tears all the time, that you feel anxious, your mood is off for no apparent are not losing control. This is due to the decline in the levels of oestrogen and progesterone and your body adjusting to it. But this will pass - it will happen gradually. Feeling better can take some time. But once you know how this will be it will be easier to manage and cope with. You will know that it is a natural part of the process.

For my own part I found that keeping busy sometimes helped. I gave myself jobs to do like reorganising the utility room and cupboards. I got many hours out of that job. And who knew that you could actually have so many tins and packets out of date in a cupboard!!

There were other days when I just felt I needed to rest. So with instructions - do not disturb unless there is blood - I would lie down and switch off.

Talking with friends and sharing our common feelings and symptoms was also helpful. Basically being aware and being open and frank about your feelings will go a long way to helping you through this transitional phase in your life. If any of your symptoms are severe enough to impede your daily functionality then the local health store will have suggestions on supplements you can take or your doctor can advise solutions to help also.

On a positive note I am now for the most part past the Menopause and it's symptoms.

I am physically, emotionally and mentally ready to enter a new phase in my life. I am ready to grow and get better.


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