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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.......Maya Angelou.

How many of us have things we would love to do but stop ourselves from doing them. Whether we feel guilty about doing things for ourselves, are afraid of failing or what people will think; we never get to attain that dream. We never get to know how good it feels to succeed even for ourselves; the small personal victories that would make us feel good.

The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself....Maya Angelou.

This is such a powerful line. For those who... value themselves, think that they deserve, don't worry about what other people think - nothing seems impossible. These are the people who succeed. These are the ones who keep trying until they do.

So it is not the mountain we need to conquer but ourselves......Sir Edmund Hillary

When you look around you and see people doing things and you find yourself saying "I'd love to do that" ask yourself then "what's stopping you". Ordinary people can do extraordinary things by believing and trying. So why not you? It's never too late to make new goals and plans. It's never too late to chase those dreams and hopes that have yet to be fulfilled. When so much around us is constantly changing why can't we? We have the power within ourselves to change our lives, to make things happen for ourselves. That's the starting point...ourselves....that's where all the great successful people started. They started with a dream, a goal, a plan. It does not have to be earth shattering or world changing; it can just be the small changes that make a difference to our lives and our self worth.

Encourage yourself. Believe in yourself. Never doubt who you are.........Stephanie Lahart


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