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Well that didn't go as planned!

So when the pandemic worsened and we went into lockdown I decided to make a plan to fill my days. Days that seemed to be stretching out in front of me. Days that had to be filled.

Great time to reorganise my living space. So I planned to clear cupboards and clear the clutter. Nowhere to go so I decided I could read some books. I enjoy painting so I thought I could do the bathroom. Had been learning Spanish online so thought this was the perfect opportunity to get back to that. I was so prepared to fill my days being productive.

Well I actually didn't do any of that. What is it they say made plans laid waste. But I actually didn't waste my time. My days were filled with other things instead. My daughters moved home from London to work from home here. I have three other children whom I foster. We became a household of 7. Meal times became a focus in the day with so many to cater to. I made scones, perfected the best Pizza base and prepared bbqs. I walked 5km every morning. I sat out in the garden, painted the fence, played family games like Uno and Game of Life and finished a1000 piece jigsaw.

None of the things I planned to do but yet so much more. A saying I always is something that happens when you are planning something else.

That's exactly what happened. I looked back the other day and said 'I got nothing done'. Then I asked myself what did I do. I remembered how busy every day was. That all the things I was looking for to fill my day were unnecessary, because living got me through. We don't always appreciate how important the little things are. We make plans that sometimes never materialise but does it really matter? As long as we keep going, stay positive and enjoy ourselves.

Enjoy the little things in life.... for one day you will look back and realise they were the big things.

(Meeting of the waters ...Killarney)


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