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You Don't Have To See The Whole Staircase Just Take The First Step.........Martin Luther King Jr

As the new year begins there is a natural reaction to make plans. Resolutions as to how we want the year to go. New year..New me. Sometimes in our desire to make changes we make grand plans. Plans that often do not materialise. This year with the country and the world in lockdown even contemplating making plans is difficult. Every thing we plan is dictated by what we are allowed and able to do. But don't let this put you off. It is possible to make changes.

A little progress each day adds up to big

So with a little imagination and motivation you can still start that exercise routine. Look at online options and set aside some time to exercise at home. If you usually exercise with friends try to still do that online with


Travel is not an option at the moment but it is perhaps a good time to research travel options and destinations. Something to plan for and look forward to. Having things to look forward to and strive for can really be uplifting and motivating.

So just because we are restricted does not mean that we can't do anything. We can, and each little bit that we do adds up in the end to result in change.


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